Unexpected Kudos

Hello Friends,

As I was responding to the comments readers had made on my blog this week, I was delighted and surprised to find this:

“It’s an odd little community of bloggers–those of us on-line writing our mind and heart. And then to stumble upon you and the Grace and courage conveyed … remarkable. I read your blog, because it breaks open my heart each time I do and it reminds me what truly matters in life. As Billy Joel once sang “I have been a fool for lesser things.” I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I want you to know that you and Lulu have a wide touch…beyond family and friends…into the internet ethers, inspiring and blessing people like me who bear witness to this sacred dance you do with your daughter. You and Lulu are in my heart and I am grateful to follow your story and to bear witness to its awful tenderness.”  

Stephanie Raffelock  http://callingoftheheart.wordpress.com/


Wow.  What a wonderful surprise.  I’d like to thank Stephanie for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I didn’t know if my blog would really reach people beyond the cancer story … I just hoped that it would.  The award is truly lovely, but the words from Stephanie are the real trophy to me.  Her writing is soothing yet inspiring, and reminiscent of my mother’s ideology.  I’m so grateful that she found me, and that I found her writing.  I hope you will visit her site often:  www.callingoftheheart.com

To receive this award, I must list 7 interesting things about me, and tell you about some bloggers that inspire me, so here ya go!:

7 Things:

1.  I used to be an opera singer.

2.  I (very) occasionally snort when I laugh.

3.  Between singing jobs, I once did a national tour where I played a dancing Sesame Street-type character.  The costumes were 40lbs, and difficult to see out of.  At one of the shows, I fell off the stage onto the unsuspecting first row of children.  No one was hurt in this horrifying incident :-).

4.  I grew up painfully shy, and although you wouldn’t guess it if you meet me, I still struggle with it.  Now it just comes out as intermittent moments of social awkwardness. Nice, huh?

5.  Mad Men and Smash are my drugs of choice.  I’m totally addicted.  I even dressed up as Joan for Halloween.   I stuffed a padded size F bra into a tight red dress.  Men still stopped me to ask if they were real.    Oy.

6.  I rowed crew for a summer 3 years ago.  I was in the best shape of my life and always long to get back to it.  I loved the peacefulness of being on the water and the camaraderie of the women.  Of course, there was that time this duck took a paddle to the head … He came out of nowhere, I swear!

7.  Having a daughter with cancer has almost wholly cured me of the disease to please.  I find it easier to speak my mind, write, and say no.

Although the rules suggest I nominate 7 bloggers, these days I don’t truthfully keep up with 7.  With that in mind, here are my 4 nominations:

Fancy Feet:  www.heidicave.com

A tragedy turned triumph led this woman to share her message of hope, love and courage with us.  She is currently publishing her first book, based on her blog.

An Inch of Gray: www.aninchofgray.blogspot.com

Thoughtful and self-depracating, Anna See takes us on a visceral ride through her life.

Chase your bliss: www.toussaintmorrison.blogspot.com

If you read my entry “Seeing is Believing”, you will know why I am nominating Toussaint.  His young, raw talent is blossoming into a strong voice that will have an impact on this world.

Glamaross:  www.glamaross.wordpress.com

Sharie Ross found me by chance over the worldwide webs.  I just like her.  She combines glamour with reality and humanity.  She reminds me of the fashion industry I recently worked in, and that motherhood and glamour are not independent of each other.  She is also a cancer survivor, and therefore, in the club.

Thank you to these, and other bloggers whom I have yet to discover.  I’m simply a newborn to this world, but feel excited, connected and supported by it already.  As the award states, you are all “keeping the blogosphere a beautiful place”.


T. Marie

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  1. jameljk

     /  May 16, 2012

    Congratulations! Not surprising at all!!

  2. jameljk

     /  May 16, 2012

    Congratulations! Not surprised at all 🙂

  3. Allison Yager

     /  May 16, 2012

    So nice to be recognized for something that helps you keep sane :-). I read every blog you post and it stays with me. I do so miss my friend…….

  4. Wow. See? Who needs this little person wen you’ve got that. Congrats!

  5. jenrotty

     /  May 16, 2012

    I am incredibly proud of you…I don’t want that to sound condescending because it comes from a being like a sister and not a “mother” kind of place. You have grown so much over these last few months and have discovered so many things about yourself. I know this is not your journey, per say…that you are not the one with cancer, but as you know cancer affects everyone. This difficult thing has brought out beautiful things in you that are only going to make that little sweetie of yours a stronger and healthier force to be reckoned with! She will see that her Mommy (and Daddy) are her rocks and a support system like no other.

    Congratulations to my bestest buddy! You are deserving of so much more but know that you are inspiring us all

    • Thanks Sister. We’ve definitely grown into women together, and I love how our friendship continues to grow and support each other. Love you!

      • jenrotty

         /  May 18, 2012

        Oh, see-here is my post. It wasn’t showing up on my end. So I wrote another one. Helps the SEO, I guess. Love you, sister

        • Haha Jen! I’m still figuring out how to reply to these too. I think I replied to everyone on a few posts, and some individuals didn’t post or posted twice. Well, maybe I’ll figure this out someday and then I’ll ponder thebwhole tweeting world!
          Thanks for all of your beautiful posts, words, and encouragement. I miss you tons, and just wished, as always, we lived closer! Huge hugs n love! And snorts!

  6. T- you absolutely deserve the award. The beautiful way you share your life and the joys and struggles of what you and Lu and the rest of your family are going through, is absolutely inspiring. I love the way you write and hope you too consider a book based on your blog at some point in the future, when Lulu is healthy again.

    • Thanks Julie, how kind of you. A book, yes, the ultimate goal. Overwhelming and difficult to find publishing. But one can dream… Love you.

  7. Cate Sabol

     /  May 17, 2012


    You deserve this award and so many more. Thank you for taking us all along on your journey of the good, bad and intimately sucky side of Cancer. I hope you feel the warmth of all of us cheering for you, Jimmy, Mason and most especially LuLu as you weather this storm. You have made me weep, laugh and smile with your words, all the while marveling at your ability to see the wonderful in your life even in the midst of the big, ugly, C.

    Cancer sucks.
    Love to each of you….the Sabols

    • Wow Cate, I’m so touched. Thank you for validating me putting all this crazy stuff out there. I do hope it helps someone else, who may be struggling in some way.

  8. jenrotty

     /  May 18, 2012

    Weird…I posted a response but it never showed up so I will post again. All I can say is BRAVA! You are my sister from another mother. When you hurt, I hurt! I can’t tell you how proud I am of how you have discovered something’s about yourself that you never would have known if not for sucky cancer. It has been the worst of times but the best of times too. You and Lulu (and Jimmy and mason too) have found strength because of sucky cancer that has made this journey something that will feed others too. Everything happens for a reason. Lulu is the teacher of life throughout all of this…how to slow down, how to be patient (ugh!), how to stay in the moment, how to love unconditionally, how to let go, how to cry like a baby and swear like a soldier! You all are soldiers…I am in awe. It’s running off on my family who has learned what it means to really see the strength you are showing for your family. Once again…BRAVA (*added snort for effect!*)

  9. Congratulations on your award. Your posts are very inspiring and the award fits perfectly.

    • Thank you Pete! I saw that you too, received this award. I was going to nominate you :-). Thanks for following, and for your kind words.

      • Hahaha thanks. Blogging is a good community and it is always good to support everyone on this journey.


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